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15 Labirin Terbesar di Dunia

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Kumpulan seluruh labirin terbesar dan terumit di dunia, Semuanya keren banget! cekidot!

1. Dole Plantation

2. Reignac-sur-Indre

3. Cherry Crest Adventure Farm

4. Snakes 'n Ladders

5. Davis Mega Maze

6. Longleat

7. Ashcombe

8. Richardson Castle

9. Hampton Court Maze

10. The Imprint

11. Grace Cathedral

12. Victoria Park Water Maze

13. Lands End Labyrinth

14. Brick Maze of Capri

15. Labirin Taman Bunga

sumber: kaskus.us

terselubung 23 May, 2011

Source: http://terselubung.blogspot.com/2010/05/15-labirin-terbesar-di-dunia.html
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