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Akhirnya Pinguin Tanpa Bulu Dapat Baju Renang

Featherless Penguin Photos - 8 Pics
The Featherless Humboldt Penguin Belle in his new suit in Singapore Bird Park. It helps the penguin to stay warm in cold water.

Featherless Penguin Photos - 8 Pics

Featherless Penguin Photos - 8 Pics

Featherless Penguin Photos - 8 Pics

Featherless Penguin Photos - 8 Pics

Featherless Penguin Photos - 8 Pics

Featherless Penguin Photos - 8 Pics

Featherless Penguin Photos - 8 Pics

noreply@blogger.com (Green) 02 May, 2011

Source: http://menujuhijau.blogspot.com/2011/05/akhirnya-pinguin-tanpa-bulu-dapat-baju.html
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