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Persahabatan Burung Hantu dan Kucing Hitam

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Fum the cat leaps into the air to join his friend Gebra the owl

Fum the cat leaps into the air to join his friend Gebra the owl

Best of friends: Fum and Gebra enjoy a tender moment

Best of friends: Fum and Gebra enjoy a tender moment

A peck on the cheek: The two animals are believed to have been friends from an early age

A peck on the cheek: The two animals are believed to have been friends from an early age

Showing off: Feather and fur in purr-fect harmony

Showing off: Feather and fur in purr-fect harmony

noreply@blogger.com (Green) 22 May, 2011
enclosure: application/x-shockwave-flash

Source: http://menujuhijau.blogspot.com/2011/05/persahabatan-burung-hantu-dan-kucing.html
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