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Foto Kantin-kantin Super Mewah

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Lufthansa Hamburg Canteen (2) 1
Microsoft Canteen:

Microsoft Canteen
Yahoo Korea Canteen:

Yahoo Korea Canteen
Yahoo Bangalore, India Canteen:

Yahoo Bangalore, India Canteen (2) 2
Yahoo Sunnyvale, California Canteen:

Yahoo Sunnyvale, CA Canteen

Pixar Canteen:

Pixar Canteen
Google Zurich Canteen:

Google Zurich Canteen (2) 1
Google London Canteen:

Google London Canteen
Another Google Canteen:

Cafe 150  (2) 1
Cafe 150  (2) 2
The Canteen at Harvard University:

The Canteen at Harvard University (2) 1
The Canteen at Harvard University (2) 2
Wet Canteen.

noreply@blogger.com (Green) 02 Jun, 2011

Source: http://menujuhijau.blogspot.com/2011/06/foto-kantin-kantin-super-mewah.html
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