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Mengintip Museum Berlian Harry Oppenheimer di Tel Aviv, Israel

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It is known that Tel Aviv is the city where the famous Israeli Diamond bourse is situated. Under it there exists the Diamond Museum of Harry Oppenheimer, the founder of "De Beers" company, that is the largest diamond miner in the world. It is interesting to visit it, watch a documentary film showing the process of diamonds mining, their processing and the history of their sales.

The bourse is in the central business district of Tel Aviv.

So many minerals that the musum could be called "geological".

Vintage tools for processing

And modern ones

If you are wealthy, why not?


noreply@blogger.com (Green) 02 Jun, 2011

Source: http://menujuhijau.blogspot.com/2011/06/mengintip-museum-berlian-harry.html
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